Dorset CAN Network

Sustainable Food Organisations

Outline of Dorset and BCP was derived from the Ordnance Survey - Boundary Line product and prepared by Barry Cornelius of into a GeoJSON format.

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Bridport Food Matters

Bridport Food Matters aims to be a catalyst for positive change and a provider of information on food matters in the Bridport area. We are a network partnership between Bridport Local Food Group, Seeding our Future and Transition Town Bridport. Priorities include increasing local production and demand, affordable access, healthy eating, sustainable cultivation methods, and food security in response to climate change.

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Chettle Estate

A thriving regenerative community in North Dorset

A village w/ regenerative ideologies. Putting community, nature & resilience before profit. Home to the Chettle Lodge & Chettle Store

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Wessex Community Assets

Wessex Community Assets is a not-for-profit community benefit society which provides support for community-led affordable housing, community renewables and local food initiatives. WCA coordinates the project - a partnership working with farmers, architects and builders seeking to bring natural materials into the construction and retrofitting of housing. WCA has pioneered the use of community shares to raise funds and the holding of land in community land trusts to support housing, farming and workspace.

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