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Get Involved - Membership & Voluntary Roles

Become a Dorset CAN Member or Get Involved

Individual Membership

Individuals engaged in climate and environment activities, or would like to know more.


Group Membership

Environmental groups & Organisations forming a county wide network to make an even larger impact


Voluntary Roles

We are always in need of help in all the different areas of DorsetCAN. Do you have the skills to help us or are you willing to learn? Take a look at the areas we need voluntary help in here.

Current Roles

We need your help please!

Dorset CAN was formed in October 2021 as a network of community groups and individuals working together for a shared vision of a clean, green, sustainable, zero carbon Dorset.

We run campaigns, work with local councils, organise events and work with schools, families, individuals and organisations across Dorset. We act as a hub gathering and sharing news, updates, ideas and case studies from communities across Dorset, nationally and overseas.

We have teams working on Energy, Transport, Land Use and Agriculture, Media and Communications, Campaigns and more. Already we have:
* submitted detailed and wide-ranging proposals to Dorset Council on its Climate and Ecological Emergency Strategy and its Dorset Local Plan (see them here).
* held Dorset Council to account with questions at their regular Council meetings.
* run online events on topics like energy-saving homes, tree/hedge planting and climate action.
* Now we're planning co-ordinated action to reduce the housing allocation in the Local Plan; to run two Greener open homes weekends; to move forward on our tree/hedgerow projects, and to keep up the pressure on Dorset Council over the Climate & Ecological Emergency.

Two ways you can do your bit to help Dorset respond to the climate and nature crisis…
* To have a persuasive voice with Dorset Council and others, we need as many members as possible. Please sign up as an individual member here and ask your friends to join too. If you represent an organisation, please sign up as an organisational member here.
* Membership is free and we are all volunteers, but we do have publicity, website and other costs. If you're able to, please make a donation using the DONATE button at the top of the page.

But most important, please join DorsetCAN as an individual member or an organisational member today.
Together, Dorset (really) CAN!
The DorsetCAN Action Team

Questions / Interested?

Let us know what you are thinking!

Contact Us

Dorset Climate Action Network is registered with the Charity Commission UK and Wales - Number 1204328

Images and graphics courtesy and copyright of DorsetCAN & Colin Tracy Photography.

Created by: Bill Tihen