Our Projects

Our campaign to restore and extend the hedgerows of Dorset. We are creating a network of healthy hedgerows helping to support biodiversity and protect against the effects of climate change.
Dorset CAN coordinates the Dorset Greener Homes events across Dorset to showcase ideas for greener living. For two weekends annually in September there’s an opportunity to visit homes - plus gardens, allotments, churches, schools, village halls - venues where steps have been taken to save energy and avoid using fossil fuels as well as to promote biodiversity.
Organisations across Dorset link together to promote climate action from the key stakeholders. The conference will be on 2nd November 2024, at Bournemouth University.
An alliance to suggests ways to transform the the widely criticised Dorset Local Plan of March 2021 into a visionary programme that enriches the county and serves the people of Dorset - especially the young and those most in need.

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