The Action Team acts as the Steering Group for Dorset CAN. It sets the general direction of Dorset CAN, the priorities, allocates resources and provides coordination for the teams, members and supporters.
The Action Team is made up of the coordinators of all the other teams and other key members of DorsetCAN plus the overall coordinators who volunteer on a rotating basis.
Schedule & Time Commitment
The Action team meets fortnightly on Mondays at 5pm on zoom to keep things on track. It also arranges regular wider outreach events including collaborations with external partners who share our goals.
The Action Team fortnightly meeting is open to all members to attend, More info, dates and meeting link here
- Founded the organisation in June 2021 with founder members
- Produced a constitution for an unincorporated association and core values statement, and in 2023 became a Registered Charity
- Agreed and keeps under review strategic aims
- Provides regular monitoring, plans and encouragement for the achievement of the aims
- Ensures funds and other resources are secured for the delivery of the aims